Lavender: The oil of Communication

By Ariana Harley with guests William Wan, Dr. Louise Rose ND and Dr. Mica Carew ND, LAc

Many people know that Lavender is calming, relaxing and grounding. But did you know that Lavender is considered “The oil of Communication?”

Watch the webinar:


Read the blog post:

doTERRA carries Lavender in a large (15ml) bottle, with 250 drops per bottle. You can use doTERRA Lavender essential oil topically, aromatically and internally.

Our Lavender essential oil is thoughtfully, sustainably sourced from Bulgaria. 3 pounds of Lavender are harvested for each 15ml bottle of Lavender.


What does Lavender do for the body?

These are just a few of the benefits of using Lavender physically:

  • Sleep: Massage Lavender into your feet 30+ minutes before bedtime to help yourself drift off to sleep. You can also use 5-8 drops in your essential oil diffuser by your bed as you prepare for sleep to help you calm and quiet your mind.

  • Skin support: Lavender is a skincare powerhouse. Use Lavender for red, irritated skin. We recommend diluting Lavender with fractionated (liquid) coconut oil if you have particularly sensitive skin, or for elders and children.

  • Big bites and stings: Apply a drop of Lavender directly to an insect bite or sting to reduce swelling and encourage quick healing.

  • Seasonal threats: Lavender has antihistamine properties. You can put a drop of Lavender under your tongue to encourage a healthy histamine response. This tastes strong but can be very useful!

  • Greasy hair: If you tend to have greasy hair, make a neutralizing hair spray! Put 10-15 drops Lavender in a 2oz glass spray bottle, fill the rest with water and spritz your hair daily.

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What does Lavender essential oil do for emotional and spiritual wellbeing?

Lavender is calming and grounding. use it for all things stressful or overwhelming!

  • Adaptogen: When in doubt, use Lavender. Lavender is very familiar to our cells! Using Lavender topically, aromatically and even internally can be helpful for us in many ways…and our cells know it.

  • For communication: Inhale Lavender before communicating. Use before having a serious conversation, going to a family event or speaking to a crowd! We also recommend applying topically over your heart for this purpose.

  • Connection with the Earth: Use Lavender on the bottoms of your feet to feel more rooted to the Earth.

How can I get doTERRA Lavender?

You can purchase doTERRA Basil essential oil here at Retail for $30.67 or here at Wholesale for $23 plus a new doTERRA Membership. If you decide to activate a membership, I suggest adding it to a doTERRA Starter Kit for best savings.

Reach out to me for assistance or a free consult!

*Thank you to Dr. Louise Rose for her insight and expertise! You can view her website here.


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